Griffin’s 1st Trip to ER & Other Amusing Things

by Kristi on March 30, 2009 · 2 comments

** I started this post… oh last week, and got tired. 🙂 But I had to finish it, so here ya go…

GG has jumped straight into the phase of ‘yum, that looks like candy!’ and is popping everything in his mouth.  Like CRAZY. EVERYTHING.

So the other night, I pop him in his high chair and give him a piece of bread, then maybe a sip of milk, then some  rice.  He starts gagging. AHH! I hate the gagging face. It freaks me out.  But he starts opening his mouth and shoving his tongue out and I notice, hmm, there is a nice blue something in there. So I fish it out and it is a very small piece of sharp plastic.

Ugh, the anxiety. What to do, what to do…

I called the on-call nurse and by the time she called me back, I was feeling better, Griff was eating stuff, and I finally let him get off my lap and back in the high chair but he was still within arms reach in case of any possible catastrophes.  After we went through all the questions it ended up being that since the piece was small and sharp, he COULD have swallowed something worse. That was sharp. So he needed to be evaluated.

I agreed. Evaluated sounded great.

He needed to be evaluated NOW.

Oh. Now. Well, that kinda sucked.  Especially since CHOC doesn’t have an ER and I had to go to St Joe’s.  I had never been to St Joe’s ER (except for being whisked past the front desk at midnight for Sam’s birth but that doesn’t really count) and Sam was currently screaming about how her stomach hurt and since G eats from me still… well, off I went.

A week later, I shall spare you the gory details. Basically we waited, and waited, and waited.  Got checked in, waited some more. Talked to someone. Someone told me to baby proof (thanks!), and then we got an x-ray.  Griff was SO good through the entire thing, even when I couldn’t nurse him (just in case), and while I did have to walk around in circles for about a half hour, really there was no screaming so I considered that good.  Especially since we finally left at 1030 and it was 3 hours past his bedtime.

Everything was clear though.

The next day I look down at G and his mouth is bulging.  He popped some alphabet letters into his mouth. Wheee! Der, Momma!  Let’s just give me an award for baby proofing here, right?  Anything and everything that looks interesting and is small is going in his mouth.  Sam never did that, boo.  Which is why all of our drawers are unlatched. And for an amusing trip down Sam Baby Proof Lane, have fun over here


G’s birthday is in less than a week. (Ok, it’s tomorrow now.) How can he be this old so quickly? I love this stage. It’s so cuddly.  Except he is starting to be a little more persnickety. Like freaking out if I change his diaper. Or arching his back when I put him in his car seat or high chair.  It seemed to me that I was skipping the  ‘independence’ phase with him but oh no, it’s just coming a little later.  Bummer.


I curse a lot. I have a few favorite words.  Sam is just on my, um, ASS about everything lately though.  “What are you doing? What did you say? Who said that? Where are we going? Why? Why? Why?” LOL – It’s cute though. It is.

Actually, she has her favorite CD in the car and she knows almost all the words. Every time she sings them out loud to the music, I crack up. It’s so awesome to hear her singing songs along to the radio. I love it. That is the cutest thing lately.

But about the cursing?  I try and PG 13 it.  Frickety-frack! – is something that comes out of my mouth a lot lately.  Then I try and say other things rhyming things to make it a tad better.  Then she giggles. So it’s probably a bad idea to do that! But at least it’s not the actual word? Right? Righ.. ok, whatever. But anyway.

Today she was grabbing the straps of her car seat  to put on and they were stuck and she starts saying FRICK! FRICK! FRICK!  Since Sharon (my MIL) was just getting in the car it was kinda funny. 🙂 I don’t think she heard her. I realized what she was saying immediately and was trying really hard not to laugh. You know it just makes everything worse if you encourage it.

For about a month now, she has been going around saying ‘Christ’s sake!’ at random times too. Oops.  I’m not, you know, religious? But I wince because I feel like that is just as bad of a word (phrase?) as anything else.


Whenever there is a camera pointed at Sam lately she sticks out her tongue.


Sam adores her brother so much. I love watching her run over to give him a hug.  Or bonk each other on the head.  Or not complain when he comes and destroys her Little People so that she is forced to play with them perched on her table playing with the people on our dining room table so he can’t reach.

Listening to him laugh when she laughs – just because – is so awesome.


1 Paige March 30, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Don’t feel bad about the cursing, Kara and Lily lately have been saying “Damn it!” I’m trying really hard too, but sometimes darn it just doesn’t seem to feel as good as damn it, or any other curse word! Oh and the girls didn’t do the eat everything in sight thing either, but Mr. Braden did, maybe its a boy thing, glad everything is okay with Griffin though!

Paige’s last blog independent

2 kim/hormone-colored days March 30, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Glad G was okay. My #2 boy never mouthed stuff or anything, but when he was just shy of five, he stuck a fuzzy little craft ball from a preschool project Up His Nose. But we only found out by chance when I took him to the doctor to test for strep before we headed out of town on a big trip. The doc said if that craft ball stayed up in his nose another couple of days longer he would have needed surgery to get it removed!
I think the moral here is lock your children up until they are 21.

Happy birthday G and thanks for your good wishes for my recent layoff. 🙂

kim/hormone-colored days’s last blog post..Gifted kids and out-of-level testing

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